Friday, November 2, 2012

Would You Rather?

Would you rather eat BBQ potato chips or garlic mashed potatoes?

Would you rather spend a weekend in Paris or at the Mall of America?

Would you rather have people think you are a zombie or a Republican?

Would you rather watch cloud formations  or fold a huge pile of laundry?

Would you rather be a movie star or a shooting star?

Would you rather live in a barn with the barn owls or be a clown with a traveling circus?

Would you rather be a jello mold or a dunce cap?

Would you rather bake a cake or ride on a roller coaster?

Would you rather weed the garden or whittle a piece of wood?

Would you rather walk a labyrinth or compete in a rodeo?

Would you rather go fishing or play tiddlywinks with a five year old?

Would you rather see a movie based on a Jane Austen novel or attend a yodeling competition?

Would you rather send tweets on twitter or go bird watching?

Would you rather go kayaking or take a ballet class (wearing a tutu)? 

Would you rather climb to the top of an old oak tree or enter a nationally-televised spelling bee?

Would you rather plow a field with a tractor or go bungee jumping?

Would you rather milk a cow or be a skateboarder?

Would you rather be a chipmunk or a rainbow?

Would you rather take a week-long vow of silence or participate in a crossword puzzle contest?

Would you rather be a gooseberry or a goose?

Would you rather eat a dozen sour pickles or go up in a hot air balloon?

Would you rather be a $2 bill or a kazoo?

Would you rather watch a Tom Cruise movie or sing an unrehearsed solo in the community choir?

Would you rather be a strawberry shortcake or a lost mitten?

Would you rather live poor in NYC or rich in Billings, Montana?

Would you rather choose your own nickname or have someone else give you one? 

Would you rather see Aida at the Metropolitan Opera House or run a marathon race?

Would you rather be a Tibetan monk or Lady Gaga?

Would you rather be a dermatologist or a dog groomer?

Would you rather dance the polka or paddle a canoe?

Would you rather be a dental hygienist or a pinball wizard?

Would you rather be a lobster or an English muffin?

Would you rather go to a horse race or play beach volley ball?

Would you rather have hiccups for a day or eat a ketchup and mayonnaise sandwich?

Would you rather be a cupcake or an Olympic gymnast?

Would you rather wear a strapless (and sequined) evening gown or a Girl Scout uniform?

Would you rather be Mona Lisa or a goldfish?

Would you rather count backwards from 10,000 by 8 or eat a pound of cotton candy?

Would you rather be an elephant trainer or a hula dancer?

Would you rather eat a steak or search for a bushel of seashells at the seashore?

Would you rather be a pickpocket or repair antique pocket watches?

Would you rather watch a marathon of "Twilight" movies or a marathon of "The Godfather" movies?

Would you rather build a cairn out of a pile of loose rocks or out of a truckload of jellybeans?

Would you rather be the envelope or the stamp?

Would you rather lead a parade down Main Street (while walking on stilts) or go fossil hunting?

Would you rather join a mariachi band or a knitting circle?

Would you rather be a vampire or a bowl of Japanese noodles?

Would you rather have orange skin or be an orange?

Would you rather be a monarch butterfly or a sumo wrestler?

Would you rather tat a lace doily or make a snowman out of guacamole?

Would you rather be a florist or a first grade teacher?

Would you rather know or guess?

Would you rather write your own obituary or have it written for you?