This list was inspired by the Verb List created by the artist Richard Serra in the late 1960s. Serra's list relates to his creative process. My list (not all verbs) relates to my life as I experienced it over a few days in early August, 2013.
To wait
To question
To postpone
To wonder
To feel full up
To undo
To stumble
To snooze and drool
To slide
To be part of
To disengage
To surrender
To regret
To collect bits and pieces
To rename
To challenge
To lose track of time
To tell
To undress
To redress
To sit and stare
To get ready to rumble
To pause
To plunge in
To scrub clean
To erase
To turn away from
To shut down
To embrace
To suspect
To grow impatient
To feel curious
To run out of ink and steam at the same moment
To create space for something new to come in
To cross my arms
To stretch my legs
To exasperate myself
To read the same line over and over
To force a smile
To fight it all out inside my head
To walk with purpose
To re-cap
To chant
To stay hydrated
To unravel
To resist
To give in
To connect
To munch
To dither
To shrink and expand; expand and shrink
To be forgetful
To luxuriate in silence
To cuddle
To memorize
To talk about difficult things
To edit and revise
To laugh
To write imaginary letters
To fuss and fidget
To be surprised
To move on
To savor
To lose myself
To resolve
To forgive
To rearrange, replace, recycle
To be creased and wrinkled
To waste time
To go back and forth
To worry and then let go of worry
To list